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Can We Kick it ?

Yes we can!!
I know Corny right
But Iam the last of the 80s baby's Being Born in 89 coming up as a 90s kid .
I can't help but let Music
of that particular era Run my life .
So let's Get to know each other a little better Because I hope We can Kick it
More and more
My Real Name Is Kenya Senior Gainer and after to day if you don't know you won't Know (get it ?) NO .. It's Kool as we get to know each other I think we will Begin to undertand each other more..
I was born In Manhattan
At Beth Israel Medical Center on
September 30th 1989 on a Saturday at 1:30pm check your birth certificate out and you too can also know the specific time you Join the world (Your welcome!!)
I grow up in Brooklyn Bed stuy when Candy was 75cent and the little Debbie cakes where 25Cent and there were quarter Waters Good times .
I have one brother from my Mother and 3 sisters from My Father.
I Am Also The Mother Of 1 Handsome Smart 5 year old boy My light my world but we going to get back to him later on 
Why Iam A starting this blog? well to start over Basically this is not my 1st time  around the InterWeb I go By the Name Of Queenlibra Iam a unsigned Singer Song Writer I also do poetry Modeling Podcasting And Vlogging for youtube videography and photography Iam The Owner Of A Indey label/ production company Called (Thunder Stereo Entertainment Llc ) I was lowkey lit all last year up until about a few moths ago when I decided That I wanted to take my life back and live for me and just be totally Happy for the past 7 years I was In a relationship for mostly all My 20s Crazy I know But I was not happy well for the 1st 3 years I was and everything seemed fine like to good to be true I dont know why Iam beliving anything you say oh your family is nuts to why am I with you fine.
 I felt trap I felt like I was losing my Grip on life staying in something I really didnt wannna be in yes I did love him at one point and I did have fun but when your gut speaks to you and tells you Something is wrong you need to pay Attention and evaluate your situation .
So beacuse I know longer wanted to be in a manipulating controlling verbally abusive relationship I quit cold turkey and moved on with my life it did take me a long time to see I just needed to end it there was a lot of fighting and taken time away from each other so Mr. King petty as he likes to call him self took over all my social media deleted everything I work on. How that happened ? you ask buy me trying to be cordial and friendly beacuse we are parents I accepted a ride from work from him Basically left my phone in the car and all hell broke lose I guess he thought he had a chance of us gettting back together. oh how wrong he was he posted up naked pics of me and Viedos its the age of technology so sometimes sex gets tapped He clames I cheated on him when in reality we would break up very often and for months at a time but he would still count us as being together if I started seeing someone or started hanging out with someone he consider that cheating I did want to work it out because he is my child's father. So I kept going back because I felt bad and he was making me feel guilty about certain things as we go along i will brake down in details what happened or Not all I know is iam happy and glad to be doing my own thing and getting back to what I love doing I do have a new Team Mate/Partner aka Guy in my life and I dont have any crazy Red Flags or Gut feelings he is actuly the one who encourage me to speak up and share my story with others. we will talk about him later on also I just wanted to reintroduce myself and Hope you guys Join me In my Journey to manifesting things into reality

Thanks for reading till the end I will be posting About 2 -3 times a week
And remember (No matter what happens Good or bad in life it can only make you smarter and stronger life will balance it self out real soon Just hold on ) 1luv..

And Make sure To follow Me
On IG For visual content


  1. You know what? I owe you an apology.
    This blog post has inspired me.

    I'm going to go back to school, study technology and theoretical physics. It will become my life's passion. Every moment if my life will be dedicated to the advancement of science. One day, the fruit of my labors will come to pass, and I will be able to invent the first time machine.

    I will use it to travel to 5 minutes previous to now so I can shoot myself before reading this.


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